how to get through Heathrow in 35 minutes

Now that I have your attention.

First get a disability.

Second acknowledge it.

I spent years operating with the first and in denial on the second.

When an airline asks if you want assistance it’s not patronising, nor is accepting help an admission of weakness or failure.  The flight to Dubai is persecutory, especially if you are sitting behind the %###@ in seat 70G, as I was on my last trip. (More about him later). So in 2014 I was independent and declined a wheelchair or even a seat on the buggy. Silly me.  This time I accepted even at Dubai and it helped a lot.

On arrival at Heathrow I was moved quickly to the buggy then wheel chairs were provided and we moved quickly to the ATM’s and luggage collection. When you get to the passport queue there is a special line for disabled passengers. USE IT.

This time I went from plane to taxi in 35 minutes. It doesn’t lessen the pain in my joints or de-kink my back, but it ain’t hay either. Most airports provide similar services and I thoroughly recommend them.

No one give medals for ersatz bravery.

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