Let’s be clear I am not into camping! I do not travel light and if required to sleep under the stars I prefer 4 or 5. That being said, I research EVERYTHING madly and hunt for bargains. Travel is wonderful and there is no reason to miss out because of disability, and disability has many shapes and sizes. It’s also not just about wheelchairs. Most websites when discussing disability will talk about wheelchair access and the assumption is that if a wheel chair can make it, so can a hobbling old lady on a cane. It ain’t necessarily so. a person in a wheelchair has some advantages, first they are visible and the sheer size of the chair demands space. The individual is also seated, on wheels and hopefully being pushed! And wheel chairs have brakes. Thus absent the brakes etc a person using a cane may not find a disabled ramp exactly easy to negotiate. Hotels and public buildings generally do not tae note of this fact. I research each location for my needs, and while others may not have the same problems, maybe the ideas will assist.